Monday, May 10, 2010

The big launch!

Today is the day! Sarah and I are launching our new site together. Check it out at

Also, I'm in the process of updating my site. Has it really been 2 years since I added new pictures? Yes, it has, maybe even longer..... It's sad but true. Blame it on having babies. If you haven't seen your kiddos or family on my site check back soon.

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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Forgive me and exciting stuff

For the two people who might check this blog or if you've stumbled upon it by checking out my website I first need to ask for forgiveness. About a week after my last post in October I was put on full time bed rest for the duration of my pregnancy. It was a long road to get to February 4th but we had a full term baby boy on that day and since then life with 4 kids is keeping me busy.

I know I had a couple of people email me about sessions and I'm not sure I ever responded due to the fact that I was more concerned about my family and keeping a healthy baby put until he was due than work at the time. I'm really sorry if I was rude to anyone BUT I'm back and starting to work again. There are some exciting changes coming to Stacia Crafton Photography including some new products being offered which I think you're going to LOVE! Also, a new development including a part-time partner. I won't completely spoil the surprise yet though. Hang in there and I'll be back as soon as we're up and running

Until then enjoy pictures of my new sweet baby boy.

Gibson Hayes
February 4, 2010
7 lbs 1 oz

I've got about 100 more I could share but 7 weeks later and my birth announcements still haven't gone out so I'll have to save my favorites for now. :)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Has it seriously been that long?!?!

Why yes it has, but again, I have a good excuse. Really I do! For any of you with multiple children you know, if it's not one thing, it's another. On to the excuse, in June we found out that I was pregnant with what will be our 4th baby. Yes, for all of you who are wondering, this will be it for us, unless the Lord has other plans. Now normally I am sick as a dog and barely holding it together during sessions but this time has been a little different. I haven't been sick so much as having other issues with this pregnancy. I was actually put on bed rest for a short period this summer, not easy when you have 3 other children 5 and under but thanks to great parents and an awesome husband we survived. After I was taken of bed rest I was told to take it easy and just recently have gotten the go ahead to resume normal activities.

If you are wondering, I am working again but am due in February so I'm working for a limited time until I take some maternity leave. On that note, now is the PERFECT time to take outdoor pictures. Isn't the weather lovely? You might not be sweating like a dog in long sleeves if we went now. Beware though, since the time is about to change that means outdoor evening session will have to start even earlier than normal to get the best light. If you are wanting to try something new and funky I've been wanting to try a new location downtown and haven't had the excuse to drag my children down there to be subjects. Call me if you are up for a little walking around in the downtown (don't think tourist riverwalk area) but southtown area.

What have you missed in the past few months? So much. Hope my sister doesn't mind but I'm going to post about her first and try and catch up on other sessions at a later time. Here she is in all her pregnancy glory. Poor girl decided to be pregnant through the hottest summer on record and my nephew apparently thought it was cooler in the womb than outside in San Antonio because he came late finally by C-section.

Here is my cutie nephew, Corbin Joseph. Don't you just want to squeeze those cheeks off?

And I guess my brother-in-law did play a small part in all of this so he should be included. :)

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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I'm a little biased

There is something about two big brothers and a little sister that I love. Now don't get me wrong all my friends who have three boys or those with a different familydynamic, God made your family just perfect too.

These big brothers were so sweet to their little sister Bethany and I loved to see it. If you have three children you know how difficult it is to get three kiddos 5 and under even looking remotely at the camera or smiling so this is as good as it gets and I love the way James is leaning into Bethany and she's just laughing like everything is right in the world.

The biggest brother James. This little guy is heading to Kindergarden next year. I'm glad I was able to take pictures of him before he begins on that journey

Next in line is Thomas and this little stinker didn't smile at me for almost the entire session until the very end when I was able to get almost all his individuals in about 2 minutes.

I love this one.

And sweet Bethany who had just turned a year old and was barely starting to walk. You've probably seen this one on my splash page already but I had to put on my blog anyway.

Alright, that's part of December it's a surprise who's next. :)

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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Yes, I'm still here

Though for awhile it was barely. We had an unusual amount of family crisis in our life during the first part of 2009. So much so that I actually took a time out from working to try and get our life in order and find a little balance. One of those issues was my 11 month old at the time breaking her arm.

Here she is in all her pink cast glory. Doesn't look so bad in this picture but I can tell you it was a rough 6 weeks.

She celebrated her first birthday with it. So sad.... again, she doesn't look sad but don't let her fool you, I didn't post all the crying pictures. :)

Anyway, I'm back and didn't want to leave my blog like I was NEVER going to post again because I am and I do have lots to post about.

If you haven't seen your pictures on the blog stay tuned because even at 6 months old they may go up. Also, I wanted to let everyone know that I'm starting to offer digital collections. I have had so many people recently want their pictures so they can post on Facebook or their blog and buying the images for digital use is the way to do that plus there isn't as much pressure to decide right away on what sizes you want. You can buy the images and print at your leisure.

Stay tuned, I haven't forgotten the blog and will be back.

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