Saturday, June 28, 2008

It's been a year already?

I can't believe it's been almost a year since sweet Briggs has been in to see me. I love meeting new people and getting to know new little ones but there is something especially fun about taking 1 year pictures for those who came in for baby pictures. I'm still amazed at how much they change and what little people they become.

This session went a little smoother than Briggs' first session because my kiddos weren't at the house this time. :)
Can you believe his Daddy think he needs a haircut? I love those curls!
He is for sure chewing on his Bible in this picture but isn't he precious? He looks dressed up for Bible class. His mama thought he would stand and hold the Bible because apparently he'd been doing it all morning but wouldn't you know it as soon as he gets a camera pointed at him, no such luck.
I really love this picture because Briggs didn't smile most of the morning during his session but at the last minute Jaime started pulling his pacifier out of his mouth and he thought it was funny. It made that smile even sweeter. If you look closely in his eye you'll see the reflection of his mom. You can say he only has eyes for her. Let's hope it stays that way right Jaime?
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1 comment:

Jill said...

how sweet that jaime is in the reflection. you did a great job, and of course i'm a bit biased, but if you had to end your maternity leave, what a better way to start than with sweet briggs.