Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Has it really been that long?

Oh yeah it has! Sorry! Sometimes I just feel like no one looks at my photography blog so it tends to get neglected plus there has been a lot going on in the Crafton house. As a quick update if you really wonder where I've been.... My husband had ACL reconstructive knee surgery that knocked him out for a week in mid-November and then we had a houseful of people for a week right after that. We turned around and it was Thanksgiving which then put us in full swing for the holidays. Whew! We finally survived that including traveling to Alabama with our 3 kids in tow. Got home on a Saturday and my wonderful grandmother at the well-lived age of 90 passed away Sunday morning. That meant traveling for a funeral. We still hadn't celebrated Christmas with my side of the family so we did that last weekend. Since then I've been dealing with runny noses and asthma issues which started Monday and here we are.

I thought things would slow down but I've decided that with three children and a part-time business it doesn't. So, as I'm catching up on everything these days I'll be catching up on the blog as well. I'm starting WAY back and going back to the twins who came for their second birthday pictures.

I love these girls and can't belive how much they changed but still stayed the same.
Here's Ainsley - the best part about this picture is knowing what she did when we put the soft rug on the floor. She rolled all over it posing for pictures in between like a playboy bunny. It was hilarious.
Here's Addison- We had smiling pictures of her but I LOVED this one. Those big blue eyes and serious expression holding her doll. Come to think of it this is the face she gives me a lot. I don't blame her - there's a crazy woman holding a camera in her face.
What sweet sisters

Of course we finally got them laughing standing on my step stool right before they went home. The bubbles and snacks before that wouldn't work. Oh well, better late than never.

So stay tuned for more catch up blogs I won't promise every day but I will try more often for sure.

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