Thursday, January 29, 2009

Slowly but surely

Well I'm working on getting better at blogging. I didn't make promises right? :)

This is the reason I tell mama's to bring their babies in while they are sitting and not crawling. You've seen sweet Hailey before. She is in my baby club so this was her sitting session and I do have to say it was one of the easiest sessions I've had in a long time. Not that I don't love every session and every baby but sitting and not crawling in the best age because they are generally pretty happy and it doesn't require as much work for mom picking her up and putting her back in front of the camera.

This sweet girl had so many expressions, mostly happy it was hard to choose just a few.

Check out the pouty face. I love it!

I've learned that the best part about having a girl is the outfit changes.

You will see Hailey again soon because she's coming in for 1 year pictures this month. Where has the past year gone?!?!

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