Friday, January 4, 2008

New Year, new look

I know I'm a horrible blogger. For those of you who haven't been to see me in awhile or don't know me I have a good excuse. Baby #3 is making her debut in late March so life is getting busier. With two boys in the house, I have clothes to buy and rooms to decorate. Let's blame it on that shall we? :)

A couple of things to note: First of all, if you are a regular blog checker you'll notice that I'm changing things up a little bit. We're going for a new look this year and I'm working on a new website but that may not come for a little while still.

Also, I've raised my prices this year. Don't worry, if I already have you on the schedule for 2008 you are on the old price sheet. I just realized that I love photographing your children but it does take me away from my family and as much time as I spend with you and on the computer after you leave it needs to be worth my time. Hey, who would have thought my time was worth something? I guess being a mom sometimes teaches you otherwise. :)

Since I'm hoping baby already mentioned will be here sometime in mid March rather than late March, beware. (How's that for a threat?) If you want to get in before the summer or have birthday's or big milestone moments occuring before then you'll want to contact me soon. I don't have a set date to come back yet and if you are in my Baby Club, don't worry, we'll get you in but for everyone else we probably want to set a date.

I guess that's about it. Looking forward to seeing how all those little ones have grown this year.

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